Tigress World

Tigress World
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Friday, February 12, 2010

Looking Forward to the Year of the Cat.

Another 2 more days to go before the lunar Chinese New Year, which also falls on the same date as Valentines Day for this year (14th Feb). I am very excited because it is the year of the TIGER!!! which is my favorite among the 12 zodiac animals in the Chinese Lunar calendar. I was born in this year too & is proud to be one.

From what i know, the following famous people are the ones who were born in Tiger year:
(1) Qin Shi Wang (Emporer who built the Great Wall of China)
(2) Li Shi Zhen (the author of the great medical book for traditional Chinese medicine - Ben Chao Gang Mu)
(3) Sun Zhong Shan (the founder of Kuomingdang in China)
(4) Ma Yingjiu (present president of Taiwan)

There is a misconception in Chinese culture, which is to avoid having children born in tiger year. It is said the child will carry killing forces which are likely to be harmful to the family & society. If the child is a girl, she will be condemned to a life of spinsterhood bcos no men will wanna marry a tigress.

But looking at all those tiger people around me who are leading good, fulfilling lives & also contribute to the good of society, i think this kinda thinking is nonsensical.

For all those out there who are planning to have children, do give a shot to have a child this year bcos a tiger cub is a nice addition in a family.

By the way, my home is always a haven for tiger stuff toys all along. So this year i can save money on deco stuffs.

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